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Satyug and Kalyug

    Documented by Coralynn V. Davis and Carlos Gomez
    Translation by M.S. Suman
    Translation edits by Coralynn V. Davis

    Story name: Satyug and Kalyug
    Teller: Vineeta Jha
    Location: Rampur
    Date: 9/8/16

    September 8, 2016: Session B4
    Maithili Folklore 16_09_08_b_4

    How do you select the stories for your paintings?

    I keep listening to the stories here and there. 

    Sometimes I remember some of the stories from my childhood.

    Then I try to see them as paintings.

    I try to think about that.

    This one is of Kalyug and Satyug.

    Of recent times.

    Both Kalyug and Satyug are sitting here.

    Kalyug has a stick in his hand and Satyug has a mace.

    Satyug asks Kalyug that

    ‘Why such injustice is happening everywhere in the world in your times?’

    ‘There is famine and people don’t have enough food.’

    ‘Why is it happening? Why do we see such adverse conditions everywhere?’ 

    ‘People cannot walk on the streets, children cannot come out of the homes.’

    ‘Why is all of this happening? What is lacking in you?’

    Kalyug replies that ‘I do not lack anything.’

    ‘I have all the things but dont have human beings who can use them.’

    He asked ‘Why? How?’

    ‘What I observe is this’

    Here, a child going to his school is kidnapped.

    He is stopped from going there. 

    Here a man walking on the street is beaten up and is robbed. 

    Here brothers are fighting over the division of land. 

    One kills the other for this.

    Why are people fighting over such small issues?

    Here the daughter-in-law sits on a chair and reads the newspaper

    while the son throws his old father out of the house.

    Mother begs him not to do so. 

    People tell him that the house was built by his father only.

    She is reading newspaper and the son pushes his father out of the house.

    Do you like this? The old man being pushed out of his own house?

    Kalyug replies ‘its not my fault.’

    Things are sufficiently available. The nature of human has become

    such that he doesnt know how to make use of these things.

    He asks ‘how?’

     ‘I’ll show you how. Come with me.’ 

    There is a tree, in a jungle. 

    The night has just fallen. Both of them are seated on the tree.

    He says ‘Keep watching. What is the mistake on my part?’

    It is man’s own fault.

    Three thieves arrive here. 

    Kalyug has put three gold bricks under the tree.

    When the thieves sit under the tree and notice the bricks, they say that

    ‘Oh it is gold. We dont need to steal now.’

    We have found bricks made up of gold. 

    The three men sat with their bricks.

    Next morning, one of them says ‘what would you do with this bullion’

    one of them is a fool and the other two are clever. They tell him

    “Lets keep these bricks here, we’ll divide it later on. Go and bring something to eat now.”

    They send him to bring the food. ‘Go get something to eat.”

    He leaves to get some food. In the meanwhile

    The one who is thought to be a fool, thinks that 

    the food he is bringing.. he buys some poison on the way

    So he buys the food from the shop and poisons all of it. 

    He thinks that he would kill them both and take all three gold bricks.

    Here the other two sitting with the three bricks

    They plan that “we’ll kill the third thief when he returns” 

    and divide the brick among ourselves to get one and half bricks each.

    one and half bricks each

    as he returns they stab him in the back. 

    He dies.

    After he dies the other two sit down to eat.

    They put the bricks aside so as to divide them afterwards.

    As they eat the food, he dies by vomiting blood. So does he.  

    All the three die and the bricks remain there as they were. 

    Kalyug says that ‘See’

    Man does not know how to use things

    there are sufficient things in my time.

    Human does not make wise use of these things. He has become greedy.

    This is the reason that he is not enjoying these things. 

    This is what happens in Kalyug.